Atmanirbhar Bharat


Atmanirbhar Bharat

The idea of self reliant nation in every aspect is being achieved by the pioneering vision of our Hon’ble Prime Minister. During the pandemic, India has demonstrated that it can cope up with dire situation. Aatmanirbharta also gives a financial cushion to several businesses and encourage entrepreneurs to produce maximum goods and services within the country. Within this year, India has not only started the world’s largest self made vaccination drive, it is in fact exporting it to different nations as well. The whole concept of self reliance will reduce unemployment at many levels.

 India is a big and the fast growing market for a majority of the product categories and with the mantra of ‘vocal for local’, the promulgation of local brands, manufacturing and supply chain will provide a big boost to India’s economy.

Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan or Self-reliant India campaign is the vision of new India envisaged by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. On 12 May 2020, our PM raised a clarion call to the nation giving a kick start to the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan (Self-reliant India campaign) and announced the Special economic and comprehensive package of INR 20 lakh crores - equivalent to 10% of India’s GDP – to fight COVID-19 pandemic in India. 

The aim is to make the country and its citizens independent and self-reliant in all senses. He further outlined five pillars of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat – Economy, Infrastructure, System, Vibrant Demography and Demand. Finance Minister further announces Government Reforms and Enablers across Seven Sectors under Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan.

The government took several bold reforms such as Supply Chain Reforms for Agriculture, Rational Tax Systems, Simple & Clear Laws, Capable Human Resource and Strong Financial System.

Five Pillars of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan

In his speech on 12th May 2020, PM Narendra Modi declared the five pillars for developing a self-reliant India. Walk through the points that have been illustrated here to gain insights into the five pillars of the Abhiyan.

  • Economy: To build a type of economy that is sufficient enough to take a Quantum jump rather than growing and changing incrementally.
  • Infrastructure: To create more and more infrastructures within the country that become the spotlight and identity for modern India.
  • System: To create a system that runs on technology and can fulfill the needs and dreams of 21st-century requirements. The present system would be entirely upgraded, unlike the past conditions.
  • Demography: The vibrant demographic is the present millennials in the country who are ambitious enough to bring the nation to a global level and upgrade it from a developing to a developed country. Being the world’s largest democracy, the vibrant demography would be given chances to come up and be part of a self-reliant India.
  • Demand: To create a demand cycle, there has to be proper supply therefore, Atmanirbhar Bharat aims to create a proper cycle of demand and supply chain within the economy, which will boost the needs of the country to be harnessed at its fullest.


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